
I'm working on a chess board at the moment. This is the first step. I haven't finished the black set yet and some other things need to be optimised... but I'm getting closer. This ist also a nice idea: Chocolate Chess, the winner gets to eat the opponent's pieces in victory. But what happens when a pawn reaches the other side of the board?

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The Writer Who Couldn’t Read

"In January of 2002," writes the neuroscientist Oliver Sacks, "I received a letter from Howard Engel, a Canadian novelist describing a strange problem." On July 31, 2001, Engel woke up, dressed, made breakfast, and then went to the front door to get his newspaper. "I wasn't aware," he says in our NPR interview, "that it was any different from any other morning." But it was. When he looked at the front page — it was the Toronto Globe and Mail,…

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